Guest: Kayley Stallings, Paul Drago, Abby Gustke, Ernie Paris, Jackie Richardson, Jordan Cruz, Michael Durio, Russ Neibert, Undecided Future
Sidebeat Music – Kayley Stallings Album Release Show & Party. Sidebeat Music is a show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.
Thespian Thoughts – Hollywood Party – Theatre Review by Sandro Monetti. Thespian Thoughts is a theatre review article on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.
Guest: Anthony DeSantis, Michele Santopietro, Vincent De Paul, Patrick Fabian, Eric Brande, Rico Bueno, Jackie Goldberg
Tinsel on the Town with Danika Quinn : Screen Actors Guild LA throws a terrific Holiday Party! Tinsel on the Town is a show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay production.
Guest: Rod Baron, Ruben Chato Hinojosa, Shay Holland,Larry Flash Jenkins
Tinsel on the Town with Danika Quinn – Baron Entertainment 10 year anniversary party – part 1a. Tinsel on the Town is a show on Actors Entertainment, a site on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production, and may also be seen on Channel 36 Cable Los Angeles.
Produced by directors George Lucas
and Randal Kleiser, this series of lectures
are excerpts from Nina Foch's directing
class conducted at the University of
Southern California in 2002