Guest: Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Deanna Kane, Kathleen Cooke, Phil Cooke, Christi Ebenhock, Linda McCray-Fisher, Robin Hanley, Susan Wehba, LynnMarie Rink, Erika Eleniak, Lynn Macklin-Fife
Ascend Conference 2014: America is a free nation, but across this country, millions of women are slaves to addiction, shame, anxiety, insecurity, fear of failure, and more. We all dream of independence, but the price of personal freedom is costly. How about you?
ActorsE Chat live from Istanbul with Host Kurt Kelly and Talent Agent, Casting Agent, Producer, and Director of NTV: Aziz Acar, and Translations Expert and Casting Director: Cemile Suheyla Yaltir; to discuss entertainment broadcast and film on a global footprint. This episode of ActorsE chat was co-produced by Pepper Jay Productions LLC and LIve Video Inc.
Guest: Chloe Farnworth, Cameron Moir, Declan Michael Laird, Charlotte Rothwell
British acting talents in LA hand picked by BAFTA on ActorsE Chat with Sandro Monetti. ActorsE Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, and ActorsE Chat is co-produced by Pepper Jay Productions LLC and Live Video Inc, with PR-Marketing-Sales by Live Video Inc
ActorsE Chat with George Pennacchio, Emmy award-winning entertainment reporter for ABC7 Eyewitness News and host Ron Brewington. ActorsE Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Productions LLC and Live Video Inc co-production, with PR-Marketing-Sales by Live Video Inc.
Child Actress Karen Kolkey and Actress Host Pepper Jay on ActorsE Chat. ActorsE Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Productions LLC, with PR-Marketing-Sales by Live Video Inc
Filmmaker Ann P. Meredith and Host Kurt Kelly on ActorsE Chat. ActorsE Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Productions LLC, with PR-Marketing-Sales by Live Video Inc.
Actor David DeSantos (Ray Donovan) and Host Julie-Kathleen Langan on ActorsE Chat, is a live chat show from Hollywood California, on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.
Johnny Short – Street Performer, written by 11 year old Karen Kolkey. Directed by John Michael Ferrari and Pepper Jay. Johnny Shorts is a show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.
Actor Billy Slaughter on ActorsE Chat with Host Julie-Kathleen Langan. ActorsE Chat is a live chat show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production LLC, with PR-Marketing-Sales by Live Video Inc
Actress Hattie Winston with Host Ron Brewington on ActorsE Chat, a live chat show from Hollywood California, on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production LLC, with PR-Marketing-Sales by Live Video Inc.
Produced by directors George Lucas
and Randal Kleiser, this series of lectures
are excerpts from Nina Foch's directing
class conducted at the University of
Southern California in 2002