Michele Benzamin-Miki teaches individuals and groups to find their authentic personal power and vision, and mentor them to make it real in every aspect of their life. Co-founder with her partner Caitriona Reed of Five Changes and Manzanita Village, they have led workshops, and retreats internationally for more than twenty-five years. She is an artist, painter and performance, and a high ranking martial artist in Aikido, and Iaido sword, both non-violent arts. She counts among her personal clients and students evolutionary leaders committed to having a radical positive impact – on those they serve, and on the world. Michele challenges her clients to come into the truth of who they are, helping them draw from their wealth of natural creativity, balancing vision with practical skills for deep transformation. She is a Master Trainer of Coaching NLP, Gestalt and Ericksonian Hypnosis and has led workshops, trainings, and retreats internationally for more than twenty-five years.
My story is that I have a natural talent for overcoming adverse situations, championing the difficult people, and I have created bridges between worlds that seem opposing or just not connected. I am mixed race of Japanese and American heritage. I use my natural skills now to motivate others to move beyond outer and self-imposed limitations, to express their natural gifts and be powerful and contribute, participate and give back to the world by doing so.
Five Changes

Co-founder of Manzanita Village Retreat Center and Ordinary Dharma Center in Southern California
Michele Benzamin-Miki / Artist

Motivational Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Productions LLC.