DeziStyle today! How to go to Catalina Island Completely for Free
Photo courtesy of Notable Travels

Life has its ‘ah-ha’ moments and recently I was the lucky recipient of one of them. As travelers, we are always on the lookout for the best deals out there–last minute bookings, fare alerts, holiday specials, and accidental price drops on airline tickets; you name it. Sometimes these are the only opportunities we get to actually go to some of these places. I believe these deals are wanderlust karma for all the hard and often-times tedious research we put into our obsession to roam.
As a beach dwelling resident of Los Angeles, the beautiful island of Santa Catalina seems but a stone’s throw away. Yet, I’ve yet to venture out in the 10+ years I’ve lived here. There’s no doubt that Will Ferrell certainly shone a spotlight on the 22-mile-long island with the grand finale of his film, Stepbrothers, taking place at the “fucking Catalina wine mixer”. But, despite it’s beachy appeal and short boat ride away, tickets are usually $90-96 roundtrip, making it quite an expensive commitment right off the bat. It’s not to say it isn’t worth it. Who am I to judge if I haven’t experienced it. However, it has been brought to my attention that there are ways to get incredible discounts and even go for free if you are smart about it. So, although it is odd for me to write about a destination I have not yet visited, it still seems like something worthy to share.

I love a good deal and Catalina offers quite a few. Next time you’re planning the next adventure, think of cruising over to this gorgeous piece of the Channel Islands archipelago. With the right forethought into planning, you could essentially take a completely free trip to Catalina Island, including transportation, activities, food and dessert!
Getting There for Free
Sign up now to receive a free roundtrip ferry ride on the Catalina Express on your birthday!
Valid only for travel on your birthday with a return to the mainland within 30 days of departure.
ID may be required for proof.
For more information on Catalina by Dezi Style! Visit Dezi Style!
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DeziStyle by Desirée Anderson is syndicated on Acting in Style, an article on Actors Entertainment, a site on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.