Best of the Hollywood Fringe 2014
Theatre Reviews by SANDRO MONETTI

The Hollywood Fringe Festival is underway in LA with hundreds of theatrical productions celebrating creativity and cutting edge
Actors Reporter has been all over it like a blanket and presents here some of the best plays and performances worth checking out.
Zombies From Beyond is a hugely fun musical satire of 1950s sci-fi B-movies featuring a multi-talented cast, spearheaded by the star quality of Amelia Gotham and versatility of Eric Sand, and performs Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at Hollywood’s Lex Theatre until July 20.

There’s plenty to enjoy too in Scar Face: The Musical, especially the Pacino impressions of Chris O’Neill and the ace comic timing of Bettina Brighton, in a show with just one performance left on June 21 at the Lillian Theatre.

Intense drama The Conduct of Life is a dark tale of sex, violence and vicious behavior anchored by the humanity of Belinda Gosbee’s performance and the horror and heartbreak of Karina Wolfe’s work. See it June 18, 25 and 28 at Theatre Asylum Lab.
Another powerful piece is The Last Train set in a psychopath’s prison cell and intimately staged so you feel you are behind the bars too – especially when standout performer Victoria Hopkins arrives there with mysterious motives. The show continues June 19, 21 and 26 at Schkapf Obscura.

See HollywoodFringe.org
for ticket information about these and the many more shows that are part of this fun theatre festival, including the following six we recommend; Dentity Crisis, Fat Pig, 52 Pick Up, Ammo, Demon-Slaying Drag Queens and Waitless.

Photo of Sandro by Dawn Bowery from the book California Dreaming: Brits in LA Book
Thespian Thoughts is a theatre review article on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.