Dynamic Song Performance


Actor Director Bill Duke guests on Actors Reporter with Host Ron Brewington | ACTORS REPORTER, ACTOR, DIRECTOR, BILL DUKE, HOST, RON BREWINGTON, PEPPER JAY PRODUCTIONS

Host: Ron Brewington

Guest: Bill Duke


Bill Duke guests on Actors Reporter with host Ron Brewington. Actors Reporter Interviews is an exclusive interview show on Actors Reporter, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Productions LLC production.

Sidebeat Music – Exclusive Interviews Jetset Getset, Ben Babylon, and Kota Wade

Episode: 53

Guest: Ben Babylon, Tori, Sadie Loveland, Avery Eliason, Paul Kelley, Kota Wade


Teenage musical group Jetset Getset was recently named by the Country Music Association. Ben Babylon on keys sitting in. Kota Wade owner of AMPLIFy Sidebeat Music is a show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production

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Photographer John Michael Ferrari - Images by Ferrari