ROYALUSH!!!! A band who has gathered an international following most musicians can only dream of! Layering punk fueled energy with chilling harmonies this foursome eats rock n rolls heart and spits it back at you. What surprises most, are lyrics of hope and karmic healing all tied up in this very cool rhythm package. Sooo, who the @#*&^ are these guys??
Royalush started when two brothers, Kris and Kory Carpenter began playing (drums) Kris,(bass) Kory in daddy’s garage on lazy Cali summer afternoons . familiar right??? Well Kris and Kory played as kids, but not together.Because of their oh so slight age difference, they wanted nothing to do with each other for about ten years …. When guitarist Jacques de Groot showed up, things changed and the KK rhythm section saw the genius of what could be, “It was sort of inevitable that Kris and I ended up in a serious rock band,” admits Kory Carpenter. “We were raised in a musical family and have both been playing in bands since our school days.” Adds Kris, “We had started getting to know Jacques from the music scene in LA. Then one day, he wanted us to record some songs he’d written with him, and we’ve been a band ever since.” But it was the addition of guitarist Jeff Slingluff that really gave the band it’s formative sound. Jeff, who had sold the band some equipment, picked up a guitar to show them how to use a new amp they’d just purchased. The next thing they all knew, they had started to jam together right there in the shop and the chemistry was magical. “A few days after that, Kris called and informed me they had a gig that night and needed me to play,” laughs Jeff, “so I got their CDs from their previous bands and learned all the songs.” “But it was when we started a song he had never heard before,” adds Jacques, ” that we knew we’d found our guy. After I played the first few bars, Jeff just came right in playing the song for the very first time. The audience was going nuts and Kris, Kory and I were just nodding to one another.
So, now we introduce the energy and songcraft of their new CD , It’s Only Kinky The First Time. This airwave friendly masterpiece features the tune American Cliché… To introduce this exquisitely tight cut, the boys trusted film director Jack Castellaw with their vision and together created a political high energy video that is a true mindblast!! While “American Cliché “delivers, other standout cuts include:”Open Road, “Limozene” and “New Day” Interestingly enough, on “Open Road”, the instrumentation is much more powerful, yet the vocal harmonies are well-recorded ear candy.
It’s Only Kinky The First Time is the latest thread in the Royalush tapestry. Now touring, catch Royalush if you can……
Learn more about Royalush at Royalush.com
Sidebeat Music is a show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.