FROZEN: “chilling and heartbreaking”
Theatre Review by SANDRO MONETTI
If, from the title, you are expecting a stage version of Disney animated movie Frozen, be aware this is much darker material.
A study of a child killer and the impact his actions have on the mother of one of his young victims, this is hard hitting but powerfully performed stuff.
John Pirkis is outstanding as the perverted predator, playing up the character’s human side more than his horrific nature. Of course, by making the monster so ordinary, he makes him so much more scary.
Troy Titus-Adams breaks your heart as the grieving mother and when she eventually makes a prison visit to her child’s killer, the stage is set for an emotional showdown.

That meeting is against the wishes of Serena Berne’s enigmatic psychiatrist who studies the minds of serial killers – but is she objecting to protect the feelings of the mother or of the murderer?

This isn’t a comfortable play to watch but it’s certainly a thought provoking one and director Anthony Mark Barrow and his cast ensure it’s one you won’t easily forget.
Written by Bryony Lavery
Presented by Critical Action Theatre Company
At Dorie Theatre at The Complex, 6476 Santa Monica Boulevard. Hollywood, CA 90038
Fridays and Saturdays ay 8pm, Sundays 2pm and 7pm – until May 31 2014
Tickets $20 regular, $15 for seniors from Crotoca; Action
Troy Titus-Adams – Nancy
John Pikis – Ralph
Serena Berne – Agnetha
Nicklaus Von Nolde – Guard
John Delbarian – Guard
Directed by Anthony Mark Barrow
Production Manager – Tuesdee Darnell
Stage Manager – Rosie Fry
Scenic Design – Gregg Rainwater
Lighting Design – Sabrina Beattie
Costume Design – Phoebe Boynton
Vocal/Dialect Coach – Anne Burk
Thespian Thoughts is a theatre review article on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.