Gayl Murphy is a Media Entrepreneur! A Media Expert, an award-winning Hollywood Correspondent, Media and Presentational Coach, Speaker and Author of “Interview Tactics! How to Survive the Media without Getting Clobbered! The Insider’s Guide To Giving A Killer Interview!”
As an Entertainment Correspondent, Gayl specializes in interviewing the industry’s biggest stars. Based in Hollywood, she has worked with many of the top news outlets including; ABC News, BBC News, SKY News and E! to name a few. The media-savvy Murphy has been up-close and personal with about 15,000 of the most famous celebrities and newsmakers in the world. As evident in the pages of the New York Post, CNN.com, NYPost.com, TheDailyBeast, Popeater, FOXNews.com, The Guardian Newspaper, CareerBuilders.com, The Independent Newspaper, BBC.com and Entrepreneur.com among others.

ActorsE Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production LLC, with PR-Marketing-Sales by Live Video Inc.