Tara-Nicole is an American actress who graduated High School, with honors, at the age of 14. A 5 time Telly Award winning writer and director, at the tender age of 15, she has written and directed 5 short films, which (combined) have shown at over 120 film festivals. Her films have shown at the iconic Egyptian Theater and the TCL Chinese Theater, in Hollywood, on cable television, in schools and in several different countries. Her film, “My Name Is Anna” has been used by eating disorder treatment centers. At the age of 14, she signed her first distribution deal for one of her films, “Sybling Rivalry.”
Tara-Nicole began acting at the age of 4 with a small part in a feature film. She took a brief hiatus from the biz to pursue gymnastics and then jumped back into acting again at age 8. She has appeared in films, commercials, videos and TV projects. She is best known for her ability to cry on cue, which she demonstrates effectively in her role in the music video, “Mean Girls” by Nickelodeon star Rachel Crow. Difficult subjects & dramatic scenes are challenges she is drawn to and excels at.
As a member of a writing family, Tara-Nicole began writing children’s books at a young age. She has 3 times won the prestigious Young Author’s contest. When just 11 years old, she branched out & wrote a screenplay entitled, “My Name Is…Anna”. Tara-Nicole has since written and directed 4 other films: “Sybling Rivalry”, “Cardboard”, “ROTFL” and “OperHator”. All four films are playing in film festivals and doing very well. “Sybling Rivalry” has already earned Tara-Nicole a Best Director Award at the Electric Light Fright Festival in South Carolina. “Cardboard” earned Tara-Nicole a Win for Best Young Filmmaker at the Stauros Inspirational Independent Film Awards in California and Two Telly Awards. “ROTFL” won Tara-Nicole the Best Young Filmmaker Award at The Action On Film Festival in CA. “OperHator” won Tara-Nicole the EOTM Award for Best Young Actress.
Tara-Nicole is also a former All-Star cheerleader and a life long Girl Scout. She is the recipient of the meritorious Silver Award in Girl Scouting, The Corlin National Community Service Award and National Community Service awards from NAM & ACP. Tara-Nicole is passionate about the prevention and treatment of eating disorders and has supported various fund raisers for the cause.
In her spare time, Tara-Nicole loves amusement parks and is crazy about Japanese Anime.

ActorsE Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, and this episode of ActorsE Chat is co-produced by Pepper Jay Productions LLC and Live Video Inc, with PR-Marketing-Sales by Live Video Inc.