Thespian Thoughts
Reliable Small Theatre Suggestions

Title: It’s Just Sex
Two Roads Theater
4348 Tujunga Ave
Studio City, CA 91604
Seats: 60 seat theatre
Run Dates: Through November 8th (but may be extended)
Lust and Trust comes with a good dose of Thrust…. It’s About Sex
Want to know what to do when marriage life is turning a little boring? What happens if you are constantly being pressured by your partner? Or if your husband’s answer to every problem was Sex? Or how about if you were to catch your partner cheating on you…in your own house. With a hooker….
Sounding like you’re in a therapy session… ? Well, you might be surprised that all these issues are brought to light every weekend at The Two Roads Theatre in Studio City, presenting one of the most honest and original comedies I’ve seen about relationships, in a very long time. ‘It’s Just Sex’, directed and produced by Rick Shaw, is a hilarious and thought-provoking comedy about Marriage, Fidelity, Trust and Lust.
After the generous theatre’s offering of a complimentary glass of Wine, and chocolates….(to get us in the mood, perhaps…?!) , the scene opens with a Man getting all hot and frisky with a very attractive younger woman…but just as things are heating up, who is to walk into this steamy scene but none other than…..His Wife….ouch…
As the play progresses we follow the lives of three married couples, getting together for a relaxing evening, at none other, than the cheating husbands house, where his wife decides to take her revenge, and spice things up a little between each couples unsatisfied relationships.
As the liquor flows, games are played and secrets revealed. Trust is tested and boundaries are eventually broken, as reality gets swapped for Fantasy. Lets just say, a little exchanging of partners might just be the solution to spruce up your married life, or perhaps show you a deeper side of your partner you’ve never seen before….
All six actors had strong distinct character traits, and somehow beneath all their vices you could sympathize with each and every one. An extremely strong ensemble cast, quick, witty and all so positively charming to watch. It’s not often when absolutely all of the characters in the same play can manage to hold their own individually, but here, each one exuded a magnificent magnetic stage presence. I particularly thought Tommy Hinkley was wildly funny as the up-for anything, open minded writer-husband, Carl. His comedic timing was impeccable.
Jeff Gould, the comedic genius of a writer, had a style of quick wit comparable to any Oscar Wilde or Woody Allen I’ve ever read. He really banged out …(no pun intended), some killer lines, and I must admit, it take’s a lot to really get me laughing out loud in any play I go to, but by the end of this one, my cheeks were in pain (no pun intended again)from the laughter..
This play will not stop you laughing, blushing, and well, hits the hammer right on the head when it comes to exposing to us just what married couples go through when it comes to Fidelity, Lust and Trust within a relationship.
“Just go to keep it up”…..Sorry, I’m on a roll…..
“It’s Just Sex” A Comedy about Trust and Lust
Two Roads Theater
4348 Tujunga Ave
Studio City, CA 91604
Fridays & Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 7.30pm
$25 Fridays and Sundays
$30 Saturdays at the door
For Reservations Call 818 762 2282, (discounted tickets)
Thespian Thoughts for theatre review Actors Entertainment, a site on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.