Pepper Jay Productions LLC and Live Video, Inc. worked directly with ipDTL to take ActorsE Chat Show to a new pioneering technology leading edge! Host Kurt Kelly broadcasted this ActorsE Chat LIVE from Istanbul with guest Talent Agent, Casting Agent, Producer, and Director of NTV Aziz Acar, and guest Translations Expert and Casting Director Cemile Suheyla Yaltir. Together, they discuss entertainment broadcast and film on a global footprint.
Aziz, is a Manager Of Dubbing And Translations for both Major Broadcast Networks, and Consulting Director on translation projects for Public Municipalities, Museums, Institutions, Governments, Fortune 500 Corporation, and virtually every industry. Acar is also an accomplished voice artist, Voice Director & Casting Director of multilingual voice talents for overdubbing, ADR, voice replacement and projects in multiple languages.
Aziz Acar is best known for his voice directing of Alf and Bonanza at TRT, the first TV channel to be established in Turkey at where he worked for 6 years. Acar was born in Istanbul, Turkey. As the youngest of the family, he attended Eskisehir Anatolia University in Eskisehir and studied Economics and Social Sciences. In 1996 he married Ayse Agirman and the couple have two children.
Since 1990, Aziz is actively participating in the business as a voice talent in Turkish and Arabic and as a Voice Director & Casting director in all languages.
Aziz participated as the director of voice talents in some block busters including The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003), Three Colors: Blue (1993), Red (1994) and White (1994), Nico (2006), Le Concile De Pierre (2006), Nico (2006), Everyone’s Hero (2007), Impy’s Island (2007), Le Renard Et L’Enfant (2007), Three Robbers (2007), Astérix Aux Jeux Olympiques (2008), Nocturna (2008), Space Chimps (2008), Fly Me To The Moon (2008), Disco Worms (2009), Puss In Boots (2009), Garfield’s Pet Force (2009), Tale Of Princess Kaguya (2010), Five Minarets In New York (2010), Astérix Et Obélix: Au Service De Sa Majesté (2012).
Since 2010 to present, Acar has been giving lectures on dictation, articulation, intonation and dubbing techniques at a major private company in Istanbul. And he has been proceeding his lectures at Istanbul Technical University since 2011.
Special Thank You to ipDTL, Hilton Istanbul Bomonti Hotel & Conference Center, NTV, and
AVS Karma Production.

ActorsE Chat is a Live Chat Show on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, and this episode of ActorsE Chat is co-produced by Pepper Jay Productions LLC and Live Video Inc, with PR-Marketing-Sales by Live Video Inc.

Great content from Aziz Acar. Thank you!
And: Amazing how clear the production was from so far away! But, sometimes, the picture went blue or orange … just a fyi.
Diane (NYC)