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Actress Hélène Cardona selects Sue Wong gown and photographer John Michael Ferrari for Models Best Friend

From all of the gowns to choose from, Actress Hélène Cardona selected a Sue Wong gown for her Models Best Friend episode. Good choice. Sue Wong is a Designer Extraordinare: Beauty. Magic. Transformation. Sue Wong lives to spread glamour and beauty! Her designs are romantic and timeless. Photographer John Michael Ferrari

LA Superheroes Illegal In Hollywood on ActorsE Chat

LA Superheroes Illegal In Hollywood on ActorsE Chat with Director, Producer, and Lead Actress Yelena Popovic and Actors Rico Simonini and Vince Palmieri with host Cerris Morgan-Moyer on ActorsE Chat, a live chat show from Hollywood California, on Actors Entertainment, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.

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Photographer John Michael Ferrari - Images by Ferrari